Dishun Chen

Hi, I'm Dishun! I graduated from UCL Bartlett in 2022 and currently work as a technical artist at Ubisoft Shanghai. My interests lie in gaming, art, and coding. I am drawn to the creative problem-solving process of using code to create art, experimenting with shaders and scripting. I am proficient with Unity, coding mainly in HLSL, GLSL, C# and python. Other DCC tools I use often include Blender, C4D,  Substance Painter, Embergen, Photoshop, Premiere.

Feel free to contact me for questions or work, email:

Ubisoft Shanghai | Shanghai | 0.8.2023-Present

Huawei Technologies | Shanghai | 06.2022-06.2023

NetEase T-Star | Shanghai | 01.2022-02.2022

Studio Above&Below | London | 08.2021-12.2021

UCL | London | 11.2021 - 12.2021
UCL | MArch Design for Performance and Interaction | 2022

Manchester Metropolitan University | B.A Three-dimensional Design | 2018

Stretching Materialities | Berlin | 2022

London Design Festival | London | 2021

Ars Electronica | London | 2021
Unity, Shader & VFX, C#, GLSL, Python, Touchdesigners, Arduino, P5JS, Kinect, Adobe Suite

EMAIL dishun@hotmail.co.uk

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