2024Tech Art, Pipeline, Shader, Snowdrop
I worked on the development of the China version of Tom Clancy’s The
Division 2.
My main responsibilities include:
My main responsibilities include:
- Creating key shaders for vanity skins, characters, and props on PC platforms
- Validating asset pipeline and develop automation tools.
- Prototyping and researching new live content
- Providing documentation and training for artists
- Optimized and profiled levels for new level content, resolved rendering issues
Shader Materials
I developed some of the key shaders used in our character assets, and readjusted many old shaders to better fit CN version art direction needs.
Customized eye shader :
- Fake eye refraction using parallax occlusion mapping with clearcoat shading
- Polar coordinate UV scrolled texture animation
- Fully procedural pupil shape and dilation effect
Emissive and AO
Procedural galaxy shader:
- Fully procedural galaxy generated through noise functions (inspiration from shadertoy)
- Screen space uv anchored in object space
Asset Pipeline Validations & Tool Creation
Responsible for the validation of new character vanity assets, this include: texture memory, mesh tri count, shader usage, naming and folder conventions etc.Created and maintained validations tools using python, to speed up and automate validation processes
I provided documentations, budget guideline and trainings for artists

Level Profiling
Responsible for optimizing and profiling new levels, this include CPU and GPU
profiling to ensure target frames are hit at low spec machines. Communicating
with artist and level designers when adjustments are needed.

EMAIL dishun@hotmail.co.uk
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© Copyright 2024 Dichun Chen - All Rights Reserved